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Come discover our wine cellar!

We are excited to advise that the Bouquerie Wine Cellar is finally ready to welcome guests. A small intimate space which houses our treasured and favorite wines.

The cellar is dominated by a large sepia portrait of the baker Julian Bertrand and his family, who during the Second World War hid a Jewish couple from the occupying forces.

The cellar, with its steel cages and thousands of wine corks, was conceived and designed by Peter and Christoff, the owners of Bouquerie Lagrasse in collaboration with metal designer Jeremy Bedos, from the Chaudr’Aude company in our neighboring village of Lézignan. Jeremy was also responsible for the creation of the metal stairs that give access to the cellar and bedrooms, uniting functionality and design.

Lagrasse is in the heart of the Corbières wine region which is well known for its long wine tradition, and its full-bodied reds and crisp whites. We have selected wines from around the Corbières as well as from the neighboring Minervois region with its elegant reds and aromatic whites. We are proud to partner with the wine producers and wine sellers of the region and to present their wines to our clients.

We look forward to sharing this space with our wine producers and our clients. We invite clients to visit the cellar and to choose a wine or to stay a while and enjoy the space. We hope that the Cellar will be a place of laughter, long conversations and, most importantly, enjoyment of the wonderful wines of the Corbières!

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